[ in-suhf-leyt, in-suh-fleyt ]
- To blow or breathe (something) in. (used with object)
Let’s Create!
** Either a story beginning, a story ending, a piece of flash fiction, a poem, painting, dance move—inspired by the word, insufflate, where does it take me? Where does it take you?
Nerves? He had none left to hold. Fear? Miles had faced all types of evil in this world. The sea of people before him didn’t frighten. There was nothing on his mind but his brothers in arms on the stage, and the music.
Charlie tapped his pedal and flicked his wrists, moving with effortless precision over the drum kit, the rhythm set, everyone feeling it in their body. The smooth, deep tones of Earl’s base slipped in between and on top of Charlie’s consistent time. Earl’s fingers adding a sense of motion to the world with each flick of the thick strings.
Angel strummed lightly…
…moving his hand up and down the neck of the guitar, filling the space with color, taking Earl’s root notes and painting the air with a bright, yet tense feeling—perfectly reflecting their journey to this magnificent stage. The road was hard, full of struggles, confrontations, backward motion along with forward, but ultimately filled with the joy of music.
Tonight meant something to each of them. Miles couldn’t speak for Charlie, Earl, or Angel, but for Miles, it felt like the moment would transcend beyond their own lives, and into history itself.
Miles took a step forward and brought his trumpet to his lips. Hearing only music, feeling only love, Miles took a breath. He put more than air from his lungs into the metal but began to insufflate his very soul in and out the other end. Harmony. It was harmony in all things; in music and in life.
Any form of art, I believe, unites people. I love stories about it, and the story itself becomes that same uniter. There could simply be a story about that. About how and why music and other forms of art bring people together?
You can take various true stories of times when an art form helped change history and move us forward as more compassionate people, more understanding, and loving. A good TV series, with each episode a different historical reference and example.
I love that. Obviously, there will be many conflicts to address in history, but each episode will be all about how art brought us together. Talk about “fill your day with something good.”
What do you think of Insufflate?
Why do you think art brings people together? And what do you think of that TV show idea?
Leave your thoughts, your own story beginning/ending, flash-fiction, or whatever in the comments! Where did insufflate or my story take you?
If you liked this story, check out my podcast of short stories, More Than A Story.
Today’s word is from Dictionary.com

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