[ ig-ZIG-yuh-wu ]
- Excessively scanty: inadequate
Let’s Create!
** Either a story beginning, a story ending, a piece of flash fiction, a poem, painting, dance move—inspired by the word, exiguous, where does it take me? Where does it take you?
Annie held the door open for the others to walk into the room beyond, an ecstatic grin upon her face, yet her demeanor remained poised and controlled. After the dozen big shots were inside, Annie stepped in as well, closed the door to her baby, and turned around to face the investors.
“Welcome, everyone,” she said and clapped her hands together. “Today, you will witness what your generous dollars have created.”
“So far, it looks like literally nothing,” said one of the gentlemen wearing an expensive suit.
They all looked around and laughed together at the surroundings, which indeed looked like nothing. It resembled one of those white, padded rooms reserved for the insane, straight-jacket-wielding type, except the walls and floor were all of a smooth material. Almost like glass.
“I assure you, Mr. Wendel,” Annie said, “my demonstration will be anything but bland.”
“Get on with the show,” Mr. Wendel teased.
“You are all standing in one of the greatest innovations of our time.” Annie flicked a switch, and they could instantly feel the energy surging through the space. Everyone looked around, anxious. “As you entered today’s facility, you were all given a drink with nanorobots inside. Don’t worry, they will decay in a manner of hours.”
Suddenly the space that was once white filled with a scene, putting them inside a damp forest. It was cold, and the investors could all feel it.
“The change in temperature, the feeling is all in your head. Any pain you experience is not real but simulated to feel real. The applications are endless. The technology can read someone’s thoughts and emotions to make interrogation a breeze. Even if that doesn’t work, any amount of torture delivered will not harm the body. It could be used for advanced psychological disorders, helping soldiers cope with PTSD by immersing them inside their memories, to face them. The opportunities are endless.”
I don’t know about this one. Sometimes they don’t come together the way I imagined, or I just don’t find a great path to deliver the idea effectively in my short sitting. That’s ok, though. Mostly, I find the idea of this technology fascinating, and it’s definitely been a feature in many other stories out there.
The idea of taking what’s in the brain and putting it out on display is an interesting and potentially scary thought. Imagine the judgment of society for how we look or what car we drive. Now, imagine if everyone could see your thoughts at every moment.
We could spin this story as a study on the invasion of privacy. It almost has a Minority Report feel to it. Do you know that movie? It’s awesome. If you don’t know it, check it out!
What do you think of Exiguous?
Did it pique your interest?
Leave your thoughts, your own story beginning/ending, flash-fiction, or whatever in the comments! Where did exiguous or my story take you?
If you liked this story, check out my podcast of short stories, More Than A Story.
Today’s word is from Merriam-Webster.

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