Bring it back around
Your blueprint is in your hand! Holy cow, batman! Galloping gargoyles! Golly gee… ok, I’ll stop. Seriously though, it’s an incredible feeling when we finish a creation of any kind. And finishing a blueprint for our lives… even more so! But, now what? As the architect, what do we do next? Well… it’s time to build the thing! It’s time to put our plan into action and see our design come to life. Building something, though, is a whole other process that ends up opening up a new round of questioning. Just like how we started in part 1, we need to ask, “Where do we begin?” The answer: The Foundation.
What does that mean for our lives, then? It means we start with The Architect. We start with ourselves. This alone is a big topic, but there are two main things we focus on in The Architect Program. The first and easiest thing to do is to just go and live. Go experience, go try and go try again. Find new things to do, new things to think about, and new people to talk to. It will change you, and when we change The Architect, the design we initially thought was perfect, might need some adjusting. That’s actually great! My design has altered over the years and has become better and better each time. “So, what’s the second thing, Derek?”
The Machine
With all the incredible things in our blueprint, we want to set ourselves up so we can achieve it all. The best way I know how to do this is to set up habits. Our habits, allow us to achieve amazing things with a feeling of ease. I was able to write an 80,000 page first draft of my novel in 4 months, and I barely broke a sweat doing it.
Ok, there were a few moments of self-doubt and hurdles to overcome, but the majority of it was made so much easier because of a simple habit. I would start my day, every day, with an hour and a half of writing. If I did more that day, great. If not, perfect. If I wrote 2,000 words, awesome. 10 words, fine. It was a habit I set up, and it made the writing process easier and inched me towards my goal every single day.
It’s like having this incredible machine that works alongside us, and we get the opportunity to change out pieces and parts to keep it running efficiently and to help us produce the results we want. Habits, once they’re set, become instinctual and they make certain tasks and goals easier to get done and achieve. Want to learn the piano? Set a habit. Want to get in shape? Set a habit. Want to be better with your relationships? Set a habit. Set two habits. Get your machine running and you’ll be able to watch as all your wildest dreams, all your plans, sketches, and your blueprints, become a reality!
It’s Time!

Download Design Your Life: Like an Architect, and when you finish the exercises in Part 5 you’re going to feel ready to put your plans into action! We’ll discuss how to find the habits you’d like to form, how to form them and even the idea of “bundling.” Oh! And once you finish part 5, there’s a graduation present waiting for you. Something exclusive, just for the grads, to help you on your road to fulfilling your purpose, and your desires. The journey doesn’t stop here, I promise!
Need more convincing? No, you don’t. But if you like additional reading… visit Design Your Life: Like an Architect page 😃