[ mee-rah-bil-i-ah; English mir-uh-bil-ee-uh ]
Plural Noun
- Marvels; miracles.
Let’s Create!
** Either a story beginning, a story ending, a piece of flash fiction, a poem, painting, dance move—inspired by the word, mirabilia, where does it take me? Where does it take you? Learn more about “The Word” here.
Everyone describes them as gigantic beings of light—Gods, guardians, miracles, saviors, heroes! The newspapers write about them with some sick adoration. Yea, even you probably fawn over them.
I see them differently in many ways.
First, I describe them like giant people of molten glass. There’s something solid about them, but not quite fully formed. I suspect they only look like people to help us cope with their presence—like a courtesy. In the end, though, when you glow and are as big as a skyscraper, you’re not easing any minds by your shape.
But I seem to be the only one who’s uneasy by them at all. I feel like the only one who notices that when they appear, they’re soon followed by something terrible.
The first day, they show up right before an alien invasion, and we bowed down to their help before they vanished as swiftly as they came.
Again, they return three months after that, thwarting yet another alien attack. Everyone bows and praises these Gods before they disappear again. I bet you think that these things are amazing, right? And, sure, maybe they are saving us. Or… they’re using this place as their battleground.
No one knows, but no one seems to care to question these things. I just see destruction. When they show up, people die. Even with their protection, their saving, there’s collateral damage no one mentions.
So, why am I telling you all of this?
What’s the point? Because thirty seconds ago, I saw a giant foot made of molten glass pass by my apartment window. A fight is about to happen, and collateral damage along with it. Which could mean, myself…
I just want to put this out there, so if I am caught in it, someone might see this and care enough to figure out what the hell is going on!
Alright… that’s it. Wish me luck.
Another take on heroes, it seems (see yesterday’s post). Sometimes I like to hold onto a theme and explore it from different angles. Looking at superheroes in this way is just a different perspective to make the idea intriguing. But, also a good angle to consider.
I imagine that our story continues by changing perspective to someone, a scientist, viewing this boy’s video. He’s died as he feared, but his message has been heard, as he hoped.
Now, there is a quest to truly uncover the mystery of these light-giants, and whether they are good or bad. Why are aliens attacking Earth all of a sudden? And many other questions.
It’s a cool way to start the story, to get you invested in a character that immediately dies. I think it could make the reader care a little more about the overall conflict of the story. To want justice for that character in some way.
What do you think of Mirabilia?
Do we ignore the collateral damage too much in our world, for the more pleasant feeling of praising our heroes? What do you think?
Leave your thoughts, your own story beginning/ending, flash-fiction, or whatever in the comments! Where did mirabilia or my story take you?
If you liked this story, check out my podcast of short stories, More Than A Story.
Today’s word is from Dictionary.com

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