This is the takeaway idea from the podcast story, The Invisible Friends and it’s a little “crazy”…

This idea is quirky, cooky, mad & crazy, but hopefully fun and funny all the same. As I write these stories, I don’t begin with a takeaway in mind. All the ideas that come out or that I desire for the story are not about sharing something with you or even about saying something I want to say; it’s all about my desires for my main character.
What do I want for them? What do I want Sam to learn, to experience, to realize, actualize? I start with a character, where they are at the beginning of the story, and the ideas form around them to get them where they need to go—where I feel they need to go. They have history, personality, hopes, dreams, and fears. These characters become real to me. Or, real enough! You could say they become my own invisible friends.
So, I thought I’d propose taking this idea a little further. Regardless of your beliefs, whatever they may be, I’d like you (I’ll do it too) to spend this next month believing you are guided, like Sam, every day. But, I want to go further than that. Let’s make it more fun, and more personal too. I want you to create your very own invisible friend.
I told you this would be quirky, cooky, mad & crazy!
Belief not required
You might believe you are guided, and others might believe that idea is a load of crap. Either way, I’m going to encourage you to try this. If you do believe you are guided, then this is a way to take a grand guiding force and bring it closer to you in the form of a nearby invisible friend.
For those who think this is crazy, it’s an opportunity to insert a little play into your life. It can reduce stress and fear by getting your thoughts out of your head, and imagining an extremely wise friend giving you the advice you need to hear. And again, if anything, it could be fun and funny. If you still have doubts, give me two more minutes to convince you…
To recap: for this month, I’d like you to create an invisible friend. And, I mean create them. What’s their name? What do they look like, talk like, walk like? Are they wise in some areas, but not much help in others? Are they funny, serious? Draw a picture if you can.
Let’s Get Crazy…
Now, for the not as easy part…
Talk to them! Quirky, cooky, mad & crazy!
I like to journal my thoughts, so maybe I’ll imagine a conversation with them there. Or perhaps you could meditate with them. Ask them questions. Let your mind wander to this external perspective, outside yourself, and you will find different answers than you normally would. Should you listen to those answers? Maybe, and maybe not. If your invisible friend is something like the Mad Hatter… there could be wisdom in the words, or it could just be the tea talking.
Napoleon Hill, author of Think & Grow Rich, wrote about creating a Mastermind group. He describes the concept as aligning yourself with people who have similar goals or a similar purpose. Together, many minds create an even better and invisible Mastermind. But, finding these real people can be tough, so Napoleon Hill created his group in his head. He created this committee of people he respected from history, and literally had a meeting with them every week… in his head. The idea for this month is to do just that, but have a little more fun by creating the perfect invisible partner for you. But, hey, if you want to just imagine a historical figure… do that!
The goal…
The goal is to step out of our minds which can get riddled with the stuff of the world. The fears, anxieties, worries, doubts, and more. Our mind can take on so much, but when it does, it can be hard to find clarity on the things that matter most. So, step out and talk to this friend. If you’re feeling bold, talk aloud if it helps. I’d say, make sure no one is around when you do that, but hey, it could make this even more interesting!
If your invisible friend starts telling you that the world is plotting against you, that secret forces are coming after you and your child, I’d put this exercise to bed…
One last tip. It’s hard to remember to talk to, or seek advice from, someone who is invisible! So, another crucial step is to create some tangible, physical reminder. A piece of string around the wrist, a sketch of your friend by your desk, or in your wallet. A reminder in your phone to take five minutes with them—or thirty minutes once a week if you’re like Napoleon Hill. Air your grievances, pour out your stressful or fearful thoughts, and let in a new perspective. Plot out your goals and dreams, and let this invisible friend encourage you, point out the nonsense logic built by our fears. Let them be whatever you need.
Good luck, and I hope you share your experience!
Next Month…
Thanks again for listening to my podcast, everyone, and I look forward to delivering the next story to you soon! Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter to be the first to know when I do : )